Apprentice students rise to the challenge

Apprentice students rise to the challenge

Who will be the Nelson Apprentice of the Year? Three NMIT apprentices take up the challenge.

Three NMIT apprentices, representing hairdressing, engineering and nursing have been nominated by their employers to compete in the inaugural Nelson Apprentice of the Year competition hosted by The Hits radio station and NMIT.

On Friday 26 March ten contestants will complete a variety of challenges created by the organisers with the winner taking the title of Nelson Apprentice of the Year. 

As well the earning the prestigious title, the winning apprentice will take home $1000 in prize money, and the businesses they work for will also win a $3000 NZME advertising package. The winner’s chosen charity will also benefit by a $500 donation.

The event puts the spotlight on the benefits of apprenticeship training through NMIT.

NMIT offers a number of programmes which have been developed alongside regional industries identified as trades or sectors with skill shortages.

In July 2020 the government introduced TTAF - the Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF) to redirect people who may have lost their job due to COVID-19 to a trade’s apprenticeship.

Since July 2020 last year over 100,000 students nationwide have begun TTAF programmes.   NMIT has had over 1100 TTAF learners with more intakes coming.

NMIT Executive Director Grant Kerr says fees for the supported programmes will be funded until December 2022 so now is the perfect time to apply.

“There are skills shortages in a number of sectors across the country and we are hearing from employers who are very keen to take on apprentices,” he says.

Kerr says, there’s a strong uptake in programmes from aquaculture, construction, horticulture, engineering, winemaking and viticulture, automotive and IT.

Employers are able to claim financial support for taking on an apprentice.

The Nelson Apprentice of the Year competition is on Friday 26 March, 4-6pm at the NMIT Nelson Campus.

NMIT apprentices competing in the competition are:

For further information about NMIT programmes funded under TTAF or to discuss your options text TTAF to 7622 or book a chat(external link) with one of our friendly study navigators.

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