Café Ake Ake

When you need to refuel or unwind, visit Café Ake Ake which offers good coffee and a selection of affordably priced food.

Situated in the Student Centre, Café Ake Ake offers a wide range of hot and cold snacks, coffee and meals at affordable prices. Choose from scones and muffins, salads, pies and sandwiches, hot and cold drinks and ice-creams as well as a selection of main meals ranging from western to Asian-style food. The cafe is open weekdays during the academic year.

Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday: 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM - 2:00 PM

We're closed on public holidays, statutory holidays, and during semester breaks.


Guy Zwaagman - Hospitality Team Leader

Phone: 03 546 2735 or 022 186 8309
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