Carparking solutions for Nelson Campus

Carparking solutions for Nelson Campus

Around 10 per cent of the 352 carparks available on the Nelson Campus are used by vehicles NOT linked to either a student or staff member according to a recent audit by Campus Services.

Carparking spaces are at a premium during the academic year, and it is a cause of frustration for many students and staff.

The audit also determined where the carpark users begin their journey from. The results were; Nelson city (24%) followed by Stoke (16.2%), Richmond (15.1%) and Tasman (13.5%).

This means 24 per cent of the vehicles originate from an area that is potentially within walking and cycling distance to NMIT.

To take pressure off the limited carparking space Campus Services has launched some initiatives. The first is a 3-month carpooling trial starting in August.

Participants will have access to a guaranteed carpark space for carpooling vehicles, with the added incentive of a chance to win a free morning tea.

Anyone living within a half hour walk or easy cycle ride to the campus is also being encouraged to use alternative transport options such as cycling or taking the NBus.

Staff and students are being canvassed about their interest in taking the Nelson City Council NBus if it stopped outside T-Block in Nile Street before going on to the central bus station. The results will be conveyed to Nelson City Council.

Campus services are also investigating support for a shuttle bus between the Nelson and Richmond campuses during week days.

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