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Create a course information page
Create an information page, putting down anything relevant that you need to regularly access for your courses. Include details about the online platforms you will be using, passwords and teacher information.
Get familiar with the online format
Take a little time to familiarize yourself with the study platform you will be using. Watch some how-to-tutorials and try out a couple of features - you never know, it may make studying easier.
Get the tech
Make sure your computer software is up-to-date and you have downloaded and tried all the recommended apps. This will save you a lot of time and frustration.
Be proactive early on
Reach out to your tutor online. Chances are they’ve already sent you an email so take the time to respond. This will help you develop the confidence to be able to ask for help later on when you need it.
Set up a study space
Create a study space somewhere quiet and ideally by a window to get good light. Make sure you are in a spot to get good Wi-Fi and near an outlet for charging.
Tip for studying in noisy places
Wear some earplugs. They are a great way to block out distractions.
Stay on pace
Create a calendar and schedule your assignment and project deadlines two days before their due date. If things go to custard, you’ll have more time to get your assignments in on time.
Study hard but study smart
Studies show most people have difficulty concentrating for 60 minutes or more in one sitting. I recommend studying for 50 minutes and then having a 10-minute break.
And finally, celebrate getting those assignments in on time and what you’ve learnt by rewarding yourself.
You’re worth it!