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The Liberty Link app makes using the Library catalogue easier on your mobile device. Once set up, you can more easily and quickly search the Library catalogue, find resources, reserve/request items, renew and check your loans. Go to the Library Catalogue(external link), sign in (top right) with your NMIT account and then scroll down to find the instructions for how to download, install, then setup the Library Liberty Link app. You will need two devices to set this up - one device other than your mobile device (laptop, PC, tablet), plus your device where you will install the app to scan the setup QR code. The Library team is happy to help you get it up and running.
Add NMIT Library Collection to your search results. NMIT full text resources will be identified in your search results. Use the clickable icon to access them.
NMIT full text resources will be identified in your search results. This makes research simpler and full-text access more efficient with dynamic clickable links to full text in virtually any web page where DOIs1 are present. For an overview, see Introducing EBSCOhost Passport(external link) -1 min. video)
Easily search and download eBooks and articles with your phone.
Find these 5 Top Tips on the Library Help Guides(external link) page.