Why study te reo Māori?

Why study te reo Māori?

Whether you are a beginner or are already on your te reo and tikanga Māori journey, at NMIT, we can help you connect, grow your reo, and build confidence in te ao Māori.
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Ākonga at NMIT Nelson Campus raise their hand to ask a question.

All are welcome to Te Toki Pakohe (D-block), the home of Mātauranga Māori and Te Puna Manaaki (Māori student support) at the NMIT Nelson Campus. Te Toki Pakohe offers the true spirit of manaakitanga to learners of te reo Māori and Māori learners alike, with warmth and support. 

If you’re excited about the idea of learning te reo Māori but aren’t quite sure the journey is for you, we offer you five of the many reasons why we think studying te reo Māori is a great option.  

1. Understanding the culture of Aotearoa

Language is a gateway to understanding culture, traditions and values. Learning te reo Māori allows you to gain insights into concepts that are unique to Māori culture, such as manaakitanga (hospitality and generosity), kaitiakitanga (guardianship) and whakapapa (geneaology).  

Having this cultural awareness fosters respect and appreciation for Te Ao Māori and promotes cultural sensitivity. 

2. Preservation of language 

Like many indigenous languages, te reo Māori has faced the threat of extinction. By learning te reo Māori, you are contributing to the revitalisation and preservation of Aotearoa New Zealand’s cultural heritage. Every speaker helps to keep this language alive so that it can be passed down to future generations.  

3. Strengthening community 

Open doors to new friendships and strengthen social bonds by fostering a sense of belonging and community. Te reo Māori is increasingly being used in workplaces, schools, and media across the motu - by learning the language, you can be a part of these environments.  

4. Enhancing your cognitive abilities 

Engaging with te reo Māori not only enriches your cultural knowledge but also boosts your intellectual capabilities. Learning a second (or third!) language has been proven to enhance cognitive abilities such as problem solving, multitasking and memory.  

5. Professional and career advantages 

Proficiency in te reo Māori is becoming a valuable skill in many professional fields in New Zealand. Bilingual employees offer unique perspectives and skills that are increasingly sought after, so learning te reo Māori can therefore enhance your employability and career prospects.  

Embrace the challenge and begin your te reo journey at NMIT. Our Te Puna Manaaki team is here to support and guide you as you take the opportunity to connect with the heart of New Zealand’s culture.  

Check out the latest te wiki o te reo Māori events and resources on the official website. 

Learn more about Mātauranga Māori(external link) at NMIT. 

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