Why you should read fiction

Why you should read fiction

When was the last time you picked up a 'good old-fashioned' book?
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Author Mark Manson wrote, “I think storytelling, in all of its forms (film, spoken, written) is a cool hack that is designed to get humans to think outside of their own narrow experience and consider other points of view."

Reading fiction, he says, helps you get a glimpse of the very real experiences of others, increases your empathy and is a healthy form of escape. 

Instead of scrolling in your downtime, how about reading a ’good old-fashioned' book? 

NMIT's Fiction Collection(external link) is added to each month. These books are available to all NMIT ākonga and kaimahi for an initial 3-week loan with opportunity to renew twice. 

You can browse the fiction titles at Marlborough and Nelson Libraries and if your main campus is Richmond, just reserve a title and it will make its way to you. 

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