Mana Atua 6
Level 6

Mana Atua 6

  • Course code


  • Fees

    Tuition: $105.00
    Student levy: $33.00
  • Credits


  • EFTS Factor

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Kia āhei te tauira ki te titiro atu ki ngā tikanga o roto i ngā pūrākau, kōrero ōrokohanga mō te kunenga mai o te whakaaro Māori mā ngā tikanga, ngā momo mahinga kai o tēnei rohe me te hononga o te reo ki ōna ake pūrākau, tikanga. To enable ākonga to examine the core concepts of traditional narratives, mythology and the evolution of Māori thought while looking at tikanga, local customary practices (such as mahinga kai) and their own tribal narratives and tikanga and how this relates to language use.

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