New Zealand Certificate in English Language (General)
Level 3

New Zealand Certificate in English Language (General) (Level 3)

  • NMIT is part of Te Pūkenga

    This means that you will now graduate with a Te Pūkenga qualification. Read more

  • Locations and dates

    No start dates are currently available. Register to be informed when new dates are added.
  • Length

    16 weeks (plus 2 week study break)

  • Total credits


  • Fees

    2025: $3,244 plus $132 Student Services Levy

    Compulsory Student Services Levy applies (2025; $2.17 per credit).

    Fees listed are for each year of the programme, indicative only and may vary with course selection.

    View course details for individual fees.

  • National qualification code


This programme will teach you to communicate in most situations with some independence and with ease so as to take part in everyday life, in a workplace and/or for academic study.

Learner independence is encouraged through the use of online and project-based learning which develop generic skills that are transferable to work and study, such as computer skills, time management and team work. 

You can also do this programme in two parts, completing the two halves of the programme at different times, if this fits better with your requirements.

You will develop core language skills.

Graduates of this qualification will have the English language skills to:

  • Understand the main points and key details in of spoken English in familiar contexts
  • Speak clearly and easily to talk about personal ideas and to keep a conversation going
  • Read and understand a range of texts on familiar topics; scan, locate and gather information to complete a task
  • Write in a way that is easy to understand with clearly explained ideas and with reasonable accuracy.








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