New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Engineering
Level 3

New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Level 3)

  • NMIT is part of Te Pūkenga

    This means that you will now graduate with a Te Pūkenga qualification. Read more

  • Locations and dates

    No start dates are currently available. Register to be informed when new dates are added.
  • Length

    40 weeks full-time: 35 teaching weeks plus 5 holiday weeks

  • Total credits


  • Fees

    2025: $7,944 plus $260 Student Services Levy

    Compulsory Student Services Levy applies (2025; $2.17 per credit).

    Fees listed are for each year of the programme, indicative only and may vary with course selection.

    View course details for individual fees.

  • National qualification code


It is a great time to join the automotive industry with the exciting developments in vehicles.

This programme aims to allow you to develop core automotive engineering skills in preparation for a career in the automotive industry.

This is a popular programme with limited places. Part-time study is only available to apprentices.

The automotive industry is rapidly changing. In the early 2000s, commercial vehicles had between one and four electronic modules. Today 20 to 50 modules are commonplace.

Today the automotive industry can provide a clean, technically challenging and constantly changing career. No two days can be the same, and the industry needs more capable automotive technicians.

If you like variation in your work, this is the career for you.

On this programme, you will learn in the workshop or a classroom three days a week, starting at 8 am, and two days a week, you will be in a work placement. You will need to find your own work placement. 








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