Love Dogs: A video painting series

Love Dogs: A video painting series

Are you studying Arts and Media and would like some painting tips? NMIT subscribes to a video painting series called Love Dogs: My Painting Process .
LoveDogs webfullwidth

Love Dogs: My Painting Process(external link).

Creator Colleen Barry writes of her video series that: "Love Dogs: My Painting Process" is a video documentation of how I make a painting from the initial doodle to the final details. In this five-video series, I cover how I move from a concept doodle to a poster study, how I prepare my final canvas and transfer my drawing, the ébauche, and the final paint layer. The videos condense and follow 60 hours of painting and include an audio overlay as I move through my process."  

This resource is predominantly aimed at our Arts and Media ākonga and kaimahi but is available to all NMIT account holders. 

How to access the video series

You will need to be signed in to the Library Catalogue and also logged in to your NMIT account to access this site.

  • If you are not already logged in, the NMIT login page will open first.
  • Log in with your NMIT username and password.
  • Once logged in, you will then be prompted to enter a password for the Love Dogs website.
  • Once you are signed in you will find the password on the Library Catalogue. 

Access to the Love Dogs is also available via our A to Z databases(external link) page (click on L for LOVE) or with a title search in our Library Catalogue(external link). 

Happy painting! 

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