Troubleshooting Guide: Fixing broken database links and avoiding dead ends.

Troubleshooting Guide: Fixing broken database links and avoiding dead ends.

Uh-oh - you've moved your cat off your keyboard, but you still can't access the Library database?
Cat on Keyboard 2 Column 1470x980px

In an effort to be helpful, some web browsers like Chrome remember where you've been and won't always do as they are told. To force a browser to go to the correct link when it leads to an error:

  • First, ensure you have cleared your cache. For example Google: Clear cache & cookies, refresh your page and try again.
  • Right-click on the database link and copy the link address.
  • Open a new tab, paste in the link in the address bar, and press Enter
  • Now your browser should remember and do as it's told.
  • If it is still not behaving, try an alternative browser.

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