Rāwiri Hawker: Advocate and achiever

Rāwiri Hawker: Advocate and achiever

Rāwiri is enrolled on NMIT’s Supported Training Programme in Blenheim and is a proud advocate for both Māori and transgender people.
Rawiri Hawker web
Rāwiri with his mentor, Bob Tate at the Special Olympics Athlete Leader graduation ceremony at Parliament

Alongside his studies at NMIT, Rāwiri Hawker has been participating in the national Special Olympics Athlete Leadership programme. He recently graduated at an official ceremony at Parliament.  

Rāwiri is enrolled on NMIT’s Supported Training Programme in Blenheim and is currently studying Safe and Healthy Cooking. He is a proud advocate for both Māori and transgender people.

When competing for Special Olympics Marlborough, Rāwiri’s sport of choice is ten-pin bowling, and he’s had plenty of success over the years. 

“The main sport I play is ten-pin bowling. I started Special Olympics in 2012 in the female division; I won so many ribbons and medals. In 2020 I began playing in the male division when my team travelled over to Nelson,” says Rawiri.

“From there it hasn't been a struggle being who I am with my sports.”  

Rāwiri was thrilled to be selected for the Athlete Leadership Programme. 

Rawiri grad
Rāwiri (second from right) with other Special Olympics Athlete Leaders, and Disability Minister Hon. Louise Upston (centre)

“When I was selected [for the Athlete Leader Programme], I had happy tears.

It was such a proud moment for me. Being an Athlete Leader is a treat but since [I graduated] I've been recognised around town in Blenheim.”

The graduation ceremony was held at Parliament, and Rāwiri was excited to meet Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and Disability Minister Louise Upston. 

“I told Mr. Christopher Luxon my role as a transgender female to male athlete and he said ‘wow, congratulations’.”

Rāwiri is enjoying his studies at NMIT.

“I’m learning about food production and historical activities in different countries,” he says.

NMIT’s Ren Stronach, Kaimanaaki - Māori Student Support advisor, regularly checks in with Rāwiri.

“We are really proud of Rāwiri and all his achievements and love having him as part of our NMIT whānau," she says.

Learn more about the Supported Training Programme(external link).  

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